Cross Wide Solutions, Birke Wolfgang
Birke Wolfgang
XWS Cross Wide Solutions GmbH
Donaulände 20a
D-93055 Regensburg
Tel.: +49 (0)941 26 0 27 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)941 26 0 27 - 199
Here is a screen shot of the email message received from the director of XWS - Cross Wide Solutions, Birke Wolfgang which demonstrates that he stole my identity document having no legal rights to do so.
As you can see, in this email, the director of XWS, Birke Wolfgang, notifies me that my residence card (the "Blue Card"), for which I paid 110 EUR, is being illegally confiscated by him and XWS. Wolfgang Birke is blackmailing me, stating that he will only return this identity document if he is satisfied by the end of the probation period, which is six months. It goes without saying that identity documents are issued by government organizations and can only be taken back by a government organization. Needless to mention, without an ID document, you can't travel to other countries, and even in Germany, you can't show the police a legal document proving that you are legally staying in this country.
Here you can see my reply to the blackmail of Birke Wolfgang from XWS - Cross Wide Solutions
In this screenshot of another email, you can see the reply of Birke Wolfgang from XWS - Cross Wide Solutions to the legal demand
to get a salary.
Here Wolfgang Birke says that basically the employee's salary - is the problem of the employee and this employee
should not disturb them(XWS) with the "problem".
Surprisingly Birke Wolfgang here speaks also of a name of Hays.
What makes wonder what kind of influence Birke Wolfgang has both on the german immigration services and on Hays?
And here is a screen shot of another email of Birke Wolfgang where he wrote that he refuses to pay the salary and the travel expenses (basically, Birke Wolfgang committed the theft and the fraud):
And the following screen shot of another email shows that when I mentioned that demanding the salary is my right and I can apply to a lawyer, Wolfgang Birke says that they expect for my lawyer
The reason why XWS and Birke Wolfgang from XWS - Cross Wide Solutions is not afraid of a lawyer is quite simple:
Here is a part of the message received from a lawyer of with some details:
Given that our hourly rates for advice in employment law matters range from EUR 280 to EUR 330 net per hour, we would expect
that the costs caused by us taking actions against XWS would be higher than the potential amount to be recovered.
If the matter would go to court, this will at least cause 10 hours of work by us.
In general, the claim for your salary seems to be good.
And generally the people from non EU countries are not in a position to spend 4000-5000EUR on a court case shortly after they arrive into some country.
What also might explain the additional reason why XWS searches for the professionals in non EU countries.
Up to now the total amount of the money which Birke Wolfgang(XWS) must pay me and what he illegally refused to do includes:
Some of the screenshots here don't show some additional detail e.g. the name of the employee, but the complete package of the documents can be provided to the officials upon request.
Some days ago, the director of XWS, Wolfgang Birke, after another attempt to blackmail me in order to shut down this site, published libel and defamatory statements about me on a website where he hid his identity.
Based on this illegal action by Wolfgang Birke, there is a valid ongoing criminal case against him in the Russian police. The case is classified as libel, defamation, and insult.
The number of the criminal case, along with all details of this criminal case against Wolfgang Birke, as well as any other details regarding his other illegal actions, can be provided upon request.
Additionally, all the details about the fraud of Birke Wolfgang from XWS - Cross Wide Solutions were sent to the german consulate and "Bundesagentur fur Arbeit" without any reaction from their side, although this is their job to control all this.
Warning about XWS and Birke Wolfgang, the director of XWS GmbH